□ reporter Guo Changxiu ,luxury handbag,
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been It is understood that I sold her residential alley August 6,replica louis vuitton handbags,, as usual the morning of her,luxury handbag,, pushing the tricycle to sell alley mouth According to several witnesses,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, the date of 7:30,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, five urban management personnel to Liqiu E Li Qiue pleaded not taken away her tricycle,discount louis vuitton handbags,, two diners are eating stalls and urban management staff at the mouth first,discount louis vuitton handbags,, then a city management staff and patrons place a pull,discount louis vuitton handbags,, Li Qiue rushed to pull them approached a result,replica louis vuitton handbags,, confusion was knocked to the ground,replica louis vuitton handbags,, lying motionless at Liqiu E. The crowd rushed immediately hit 110, before the arrival of the police, urban management and law enforcement personnel will tricycle loaded onto trucks and left the scene.
police arrived at the scene, immediately called 120 ambulance, will Liqiu E sent to the First People Hospital of Jiyuan City. Although the hospital first aid to a variety of ways, but Liqiu E on August 8 or died. Present, the police are speeding up the matter after investigation and evidence collection, and the parties Liqiu E's death.
reporters yesterday, in Jiyuan city the day trying to contact law enforcement city management personnel to understand the circumstances, but for various reasons did not succeed.
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