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Sports Network (Chutian Metropolis Daily reporter intern Min Liao Hui Yang Cao Jing) 10 o'clock yesterday morning,discount louis vuitton handbags,, 31-year-old greengrocers Deng Chunping taken in front of dichlorvos Jiangxia government,luxury handbag,, not out of danger after emergency treatment period. Dengchun Ping's family and several neighbors said Deng Chunping was hit the city management,luxury handbag,, the clothes were torn by a huge boost before taking poison.

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Dengchun Ping's mother heard along with that her home has a Private,discount louis vuitton handbags,, son at the gates stand selling dishes. 8 o'clock yesterday morning,luxury handbag,, a pickup truck and a van parked in front of more than 10 men wearing uniforms off urban management after shouting: the car moved,replica louis vuitton handbags,, the old man Pazhu pickup,replica louis vuitton handbags,, not to each other receive food,discount louis vuitton handbags,, both sides pulled up.

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Yan Following the home,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, said he hit the son in law to catch up to stop urban management,replica louis vuitton handbags,, and he is to suffer twice. Deng Chunping wear short sleeve shorts were the other Chelan,replica louis vuitton handbags,, underwear was torn. City Administration hit the hand after 10 minutes it stopped,luxury handbag,, he let Deng Chunping to report that he was at the scene and the urban management theory. He then rushed to the Sample with the police station,luxury handbag,, did not see Deng Chunping,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, then heard the door the district government was taking poison,replica louis vuitton handbags,, rush over to see exactly poison son.

Dengchun Ping Yan Qinzai wife said she and her husband had just married a year,discount louis vuitton handbags,, his cherished 3 months pregnant,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, her husband must have suffered a great stimulation for it to commit suicide. Hing only way to stall in the commercial tenants have confirmed that they witnessed Dengchun Ping was the fact that hit the city management.

reporters Jiangxia District People's Hospital Intensive Care Unit to see Deng Chunping awareness is still not clear, is receiving treatment, suffered from multiple injuries. Doctor said he dose of 100 ml of dichlorvos, have done gastric lavage and other treatment, not yet out of danger period.

Jiangxia District Urban Management Bureau of Publicity Department, the staff, said local police have already found the inspectors and Deng Chunping families are taking note, respectively, of all the findings of the police station to wait out later.

Par dfhdfgf le mercredi 09 mars 2011


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