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cheap louis vuitton handbags, Harassment of female doctors for their daughter killed her lover with the anesthetic FigureWang wrote a flight of 13 pages of material sent to multiple units in order to cover up his murder suspects reporter Ningjun She 22-year-old Zhao originally wanted the black mistress clinic medical treatment, but confused lost their lives. original, Zhao would like to share other than 16-year-old daughter, his 40-year-old enraged mistress. to escape the guilt, the way this woman is still to flee to write 10,000 words material to the Government and the judiciary and the media events refuse to the edge Jingxian young men's bodies the morning of January 19 this year,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, 8 am, police received a report Baqiao Branch,replica louis vuitton handbags,, said sanshilipu North Village 1 next to a refuse station gray blanket wrapped body. Police immediately rushed to the scene and found the deceased was wrapped,discount louis vuitton handbags,, a young man about 22 years old, the body has a high degree of corruption, in addition to the two needle left outside the back of the hand, and no obvious trauma, surprisingly,replica louis vuitton handbags,, body of a man wearing a new suit, new socks ,luxury handbag,, wearing new gloves. police then proceeded to find the corpse source. Initially, the police determine there may be medical or drug-injecting excess deaths. Through the investigation of missing person cases reported and the DNA comparison, Baqiao police confirmed that the deceased 22-year-old man Pucheng Zhao. The case was exposed, Zhao and opened clinics in the North Village to maintain a middle-aged woman Wang improper relations between men and women, the incident will be after the clinic closed Wang, disappeared. In a letter sent by Wang to the landlord, she said their treatment in Shanghai. As Wang has some medical knowledge,luxury handbag,, there are suspected of committing the crime,discount louis vuitton handbags,, March 18, 40-year-old Wang was online pursuit. Criminal Investigation Bureau in Xi'an Public Security Bureau police station two and sanshilipu assistance,discount louis vuitton handbags,, Baqiao Branch of the Criminal Investigation Brigade visited the homes of Wang social relations and family relations more than 20 people, and learned early 2006, Zhao Wang has been renting in North Village and cohabitation. June 2009, he moved to the grounds of incompatibility,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, a guest house shilipu. detection of 40-year-old Wang Taiyuan in Shanxi Province will be arrested next morning its back to Xi'an. After review, the perpetrators after Wang confessed. account, according to Wang in 2006, she met Zhao, and stay in a relationship,replica louis vuitton handbags,, but often ask her for money Na Qu Zhao gambling,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, and had also played her. Most she can not tolerate that, Zhao their 16-year-old daughter, there is not unnatural, three times to hold his daughter, and said the phone should be distributed to the daughter pornographic videos and photos. vindictive Wang found a rental with friends in the North Village in a strict,discount louis vuitton handbags,, about how to pack Zhao. By the end of 2009, Wang told a strict, want to get silly Zhao, make a serious purchase medicines for her. January 12 this year,luxury handbag,, Zhao's clinic because of cold to play Diao Zhen Wang, Zhao himself moved to the clinic the next day, the king was looking for opportunities to buy into the Zhao injection of narcotic drugs in vivo. move after causing the death of Valentine's room in the clinic memorial According to the police investigation, two days after Zhao fell into a coma. Jan. 15 afternoon, after the death of Wang Zhao was found, the door will be locked in rooms and outside continue to operate. Fantasy Zhao would survive the night as Wang Zhao drying hands with a heater, while the side facing the dead repent Zhao stresses two things. 16, she bought suits, shoes and socks, etc. for Zhao replaced, because the body had swollen and could not wear new shoes. Wang also bought fruit for the room in the clinic, Zhao burning paper for the memorial. Although the bodies lying in between, but Wang's clinic has been open to 17 days before closure. Yan and relatives in the request to help deal with a dead body after unsuccessful, at 4 o'clock on the 19th, Wang Zhao body will be dragged about 20 meters away from the clinic
Par dfhdfgf le jeudi 24 mars 2011


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