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Gucci Wallets 181668 9694 Female gangster violence to collect debts and sexual assault man sentenced

Xinhua BEIJING, June 9, according to Taiwan's hands of robbers disabled woman, supermarkets and single women, even under the watchful eyes of the rape of a man by her dun succeed. Some sexual assault has been sentenced to three years in February to determine first,Balenciaga handbag 084332, robbers and other crimes, on the 8th by Taiwan's

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2008 . 1 month, Zhang Yinxia rate Lee Wei Chung, Pan Yu Shu to Pingtung City, looking for criminals target three randomly pick a supermarket,Louis Vuitton bag Monogram Canvas M51870, holding a sickle took away then to have left three thousand yuan. Three days later,Louis Vuitton wallet M60040, Zhang Yinxia Liu Ho Night Market in Kaohsiung so they randomly strong woman driving a single charge, charges were robbing, type of crime cards and took away cash of about 80,000 yuan.

Zhang Yinxia rape part of the end of last year was sentenced to three years in February to be confirmed; on the part of robbers and other crimes, yesterday sentenced 19 years in June, Lee Wei Chung sentenced to twelve men and women have also been raised hands Pan Yu Shu reported as hooligans sentenced to three years in August to determine.

Par dfhdfgf le jeudi 31 mars 2011


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